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Hygric and Thermal Simulation

Drawing tools

You will find all drawing tools on the top menu on the DRAW tab.

Currently these tools are available for drawing a geometry:

Button-Rectangle Rectangle tool
to draw rectangular objects.
Button-Polygon Polygon tool
to freely draw closed objects having a variable number of vertices.
Button-Polyline Polyline tool
to draw and open or closed polyline having a certain thickness.
Button-Region Region tool
to define a rectangular object that can be used to define a simulation, measurement or export area.

Further you will find there edit tools, that will allow you do modify existing objects:

 Button-Move Move objects using reference points
 Button-Scale Scale the size of objects
 Button-Rotate Rotate objects around a certain point
 Button-Copy Make (multiple) copies of objects
 Button-Mirror Mirror objects on a certain axis

Drawing features: snap, grid and guide lines

HTflux offers some features that you should use when drawing or editing a geometry. You will find these features in the quick tool menu bar on the bottom of the drawing window.  The actual tools being displayed, will vary depending on the currently active function. When using a drawing function you will find the following feature buttons:

Grid  Grid: pushing this button will show a grid behind your drawing. Right clicking the button will allow you to define the resolution of the grid as well as some display options for the grid.
Gridfang Snap to grid: with this function your drawing cursor will snap to the nearest grid point. Use grid snap whenever it is possible, as this will prevent you from accidently creating small gaps or overlaps between your objects. Right clicking the button will open the grid settings dialog.
Eckfang Snap to vertex: using this feature you cursor will snap to the nearest vertex of objects already drawn. This is another snap function that you should use whenever it is possible.
Linienfang Snap to line: with this function the cursor will snap to the nearest edge of an object already drawn.
Winkelfang Snap to angle: this feature will allow you draw vertices according to defined angles. Right-click on the button to set or edit these angles.
Note: Disable the function, once you do not need it anymore, as it can hinder you from using the other snapping tools.

If a snapping tool is active the specific button will get a blue background.

Guide lines

In many functions you will also be able to use the guide line feature. This can help you to easily align objects.

  • Vertical guideline – X key
    when the x-key is pressed the X-coordinate of the current cursor-position will be fixed (“vertical guideline”). This feature is very use full to precisely align objects horizontally. If you press the x-key again the guideline will disappear.
  • Horizontal guideline – Y key
    when the y-key is pressed the Y-coordinate of the current cursor-position will be fixed (“horizontal guideline”). This feature is very use full to precisely align objects vertically. If you press the x-key again the guideline will disappear.

Hint: if keyboard entries don’t work right away. Click into the command line entry field at the bottom of the view, making sure it is activated.


The reference point RefPoint

In almost every drawing function you will also be able to make use of the so called “reference point”. Use the right mouse button to place the reference point as desired. The reference point serves two purposes:

  • to enter relative coordinates: e.g. if you type in R 0.5;2.5 in the command line, this will reflect a point being 0,5 units right and 2.5 units above the reference point, that has been set with the right mouse button.
  • to set the base point for the snap to angle tool


 Select vertices mode

Once you click on the “Select vertices” button (that you will find on the left side of the drawing menu) all the vertices and center of line markers of the objects will become visible.  By selecting the objects you will be able to modify them using the right-click menu or the modify buttons move, rotate, mirror. You can select multiple vertices using the shift key or you can select vertices by objects names using the right mouse button.