Materials dialog – adding and editing materials
The material dialog basically consists of three sections. You can change the section using the tabs on top of the dialog:
- Properties: to edit the settings of the currently selected project material
- My Materials: to select from your private materials previously saved
- Materials database: gives you access to the main HTflux material database
Changing material properties
Use the first section (properties) to edit all the parameters of the currently selected material in the project materials list on the left side of the dialog.
You can also use the buttons below the list to create a new “empty” material, to duplicate existing materials for further adaptation or to remove a material from the project list.
On the right side you can edit these properties of the material:
- change the name of the material and the additional description text.
- change the physical properties defining the material
- change the color and hatching of the material
- edit additional text information: category, producer, author, source or description
Note: all changes performed here will only affect the project material, but not its original source in the database. If you wish to keep this material for further projects, add a copy of it to your private material database. To do this click on the button add to my materials in the top right corner:
To read more about the physical properties describing a material click here.
Add new materials
To add new materials click on the materials database tab on top of the window. The material database gives you access to thousands of materials. On every startup of HTflux the database will automatically be synchronized with the HTflux materials database server.
Use the following steps to add a new material from the database to your project
- browse for the material in the database on the right side: usually the most effective way to do this is to make use of the text search on top of the list. Additionally you can also use the category filter on the right side.
- once you have found the right material, add it to your project using the method most appropriate:
- drag the material from the database table to the project materials and insert it between existing materials
- you can also add the material using the “add material” button on top of the list.
- drag the material from the database table on an existing material.
this will cause the program to replace the existing material with the new one, which means you will not have to assign all the objects to the new material separately. (=it will inherit the assignments of the existing material)
- drag the material from the database table to the project materials and insert it between existing materials