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Hygric and Thermal Simulation

Importing and exporting objects

Another very powerful feature of HTflux is the import/export object function. It allows you the export a geometric assembly along with the materials that are being used within this object. This enables you to add complex details to later simulations with just a single mouse click. This way you can build up a library of ready-to-use elements, which can speed up later projects greatly. The library can contain elements like window-frames, floor constructions or wall constructions.
When you export the objects, they will be saved in a proprietary file format having a “.htg” extension. You could also share these files with other HTflux users.

Import objects


To import an object:

  • push the Import object button on the drawing tool bar.
  • select the object file that you want to import.
  • the object will be imported to a predefined position and the move function will enable you to place it where ever you need it.
  • finalize the import with the return key.
  • optionally: make use of the edit vertices function to fit the imported object to your project.

Now the whole group containing the geometric elements as well as the materials used will be added to your project.


  • when importing an object if will snap to its reference point. The position of this point relative to the object can be defined while exporting an object.
  • HTflux will preinstall some useful ready-made sample objects on your system (e.g. window-frame, heating-pipe, floor-construction). To easily get to these object type in the following path in the open file dialog%programdata%\htflux\demo

This short video demonstrates the import process:

Export objects

To export an object:

first create a group (omit these three steps if have created a group earlier):

  • select all the objects that form your assembly to export
  • in the project manager right-click on the selected objects
  • select “Create group” to group the objects together

export the group:

  • right-click on the group that you want to export and select the item “export group” in the context menu
  • use the left mouse button to set a reference point within the graphics window
    N.B. make sure to select an appropriate reference point, as this will make importing the object a lot easier (e.g. a corner)
  • now the save file dialog will appear. Select an appropriate name and directory for your object.

Watch the following short video to see the process: